
Classes taught by Aildreda de Tamwurthe and by Lucien de Pontivy (and his cousins Leceabh merch Ouein and Lukian Pontivyen) at SCA events.

Aildreda de Tamwurthe

Inside Blakemere

Campfire Songs – 2016 Chapbook

Historical Songs – 2016 Chapbook

Lucien de Pontivy

Harp Tuning by Ear Harp Tuning by Ear - PDF version

Harp Exercises for Nimbleness Harp Exercises for Nimbleness - PDF version
From the Ornaments page of the Robert ap Huw manuscript.

Harp Accompaniment for Storytelling and Song Harp Accompaniment for Storytelling and Song - PDF version

If you have questions or notes about any one of these classes, do drop me a line in the comments!

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